Cigar Oasis

Humidifier Cigar Oasis Plus Electronique 3.0

The Cigar Oasis Plus Electronic Humidifier 3.0 conceals its retro appearance aond a high-technologic humidifier. This electronic humidifier is pre-set for 70% ...
165,83 €
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Data sheet

Technical sheet of Humidifier Cigar Oasis Plus Electronique 3.0

CAPACITYmore than 100 cigares
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Full description for Humidifier Cigar Oasis Plus Electronique 3.0

The Cigar Oasis Plus Electronic Humidifier 3.0 conceals its retro appearance aond a high-technologic humidifier. This electronic humidifier is pre-set for 70% humidity, but you can adjust this value according o your preference. It is adapted to a cigar cellar which can welcome three hundred to a thousand modules, and will suit the great lovers of Havana. Its fan of a remarkable discretion ensures the good diffusion of moisture and ciger preservation. Ultimate refinement, it is equipped with a wifi system compatible with an application (surcharge) available on smartphones running iOS or Android.

The Cigar Oasis Plus Electronic Humidifier 3.0 conceals its retro appearance aond a high-technologic humidifier. This electronic humidifier is pre-set for 70% humidity, but you can adjust this value according o your preference. It is adapted to a cigar cellar which can welcome three hundred to a thousand modules, and will suit the great lovers of Havana. Its fan of a remarkable discretion ensures the good diffusion of moisture and ciger preservation. Ultimate refinement, it is equipped with a wifi system compatible with an application (surcharge) available on smartphones running iOS or Android.
