
Black and Yellow 3-Cigar Case and Cigar Cutter

Essential cigar accessory for all nomadic cigar smokers, the rigid black and yellow cigar case allows you to walk around with 3 of your precious cigars on you ...
32,50 €
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Data sheet

Technical sheet of Black and Yellow 3-Cigar Case and Cigar Cutter

MATERIALCedar wood, other
COLORBlack, Yellow
SIZElarge module
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Full description for Black and Yellow 3-Cigar Case and Cigar Cutter

Essential cigar accessory for all nomadic cigar smokers, the rigid black and yellow cigar case allows you to walk around with 3 of your precious cigars on you at all times.

Essential cigar accessory for all nomadic cigar smokers, the rigid black and yellow cigar case allows you to walk around with 3 of your precious cigars on you at all times. You will be able to insert 3 cigars with a maximum diameter of 24 mm. You will find a metal cigar cutter on the outside of this case. You will have the necessary material to enjoy your modules in all circumstances.


  • 1 rigid cigar case
  • 1 cigar cutter
  • Interior in cedar wood
  • Rigid
  • Slot for cigar cutter
  • Max. Ø cigar case : 24 mm
  • Max. Ø cigar cutter : 21 mm
  • Possible engraving on the cigar cutter
  • Weight : 110 g


Length x width x thickness18
x 9.5 x 4.5 cm
