
Cigar Punch Black Metal

This cigar punch, an essential 3-in-1 tool for cigar enthusiasts, combines functionality and design to significantly enhance your cigar experience. ...
17,42 €
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Technical sheet of Cigar Punch Black Metal

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Full description for Cigar Punch Black Metal

This cigar punch, an essential 3-in-1 tool for cigar enthusiasts, combines functionality and design to significantly enhance your cigar experience.

It incorporates two punchers of different diameters, 0.8 and 1.2 cm, enabling precise piercing of the cigar's tip to exalt its flavours. A twisted rod is also included to facilitate "uncorking" the cigar, removing excess tobacco and ensuring optimum draw. What's more, this tool features two thin supports designed to hold the cigar in place, avoiding direct contact with fingers. Offered in elegant black, this perforator is also available on our site in a silver version, offering style and practicality to cigar enthusiasts.

Black Metal Cigar Punch

  • Composition: metal and stainless steel
  • Color: black
  • 2 punchers: 0.8 and 1.2 cm
  • 1 twisted 7.7 cm "cigar opener" rod: removes excess tobacco from cigars, restoring their taste and making them easier to draw
  • 2 small rods: to hold the cigar
  • Light weight: 30 g

Length x Ø (cm)
11.3 x 1.3 cm
